You have probably heard of the saying “you are what you eat”, but we believe that it should be “you are what you absorb”.
Although you may be eating the “right” foods, your body might not be getting the nutrition it needs. In fact, recent studies have found that approximately 90% of individuals in the US are nutrient deficient.4
How could this be the case?
The quality of your food comes down to the quality of the soil that it’s grown in. Unfortunately, the quality of our soil has drastically changed over the last 40 years, largely due to an influx in conventional farming practices and the over saturation of GMOs.
What exactly is conventional farming?
In layman terms, conventional farming uses (toxic) chemicals to fight off pests and weeds.1 More specifically, synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers are used to get the highest possible yield of crops. These crops are overused and under-rested and they’ve created a proliferation of inexpensive, nutritionally poor foods.
To give you an idea of how widespread the use of these toxic chemicals have become, over 90% of soybeans and over 85% of the corn grown in the US today are genetically modified to tolerate direct application of Roundup and other glyphosate containing herbicides.3
So, how does this affect your health?
Using conventional farming practices for the sake of convenience and cost comes at a well... cost.
Aside from the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, water pollution, and the destruction of biodiversity, conventional farming practices strip vital nutrients from the soil that our food is grow in. Every time chemical herbicides and/or pesticides are sprayed on a crop, its soil and the genome of the micro-biome of nearby plants are altered - as are the consumers of them.
You could say that with each successive generation of fast-growing, pest-resistant crops, the fruits and vegetables that we’re consuming become less nutrient dense than the one before.2
What’s the big deal?
Vitamins, micro minerals, and macro minerals synergistically work with one another to support our bodies. For example, boron is needed for proper calcium uptake,5 vitamin C increases iron absorption,6 and an imbalance in copper creates an imbalance in zinc.7 You can see how the depletion of even a select few nutrients can trigger a domino effect of issues within the body. With this in mind, it’s not hard to imagine the devastating effects that the depletion of a vast array of nutrients can have on your body.
Although correlation does not imply causation, it is still worth considering the epidemic of diseases that has evolved alongside the widespread implementation of conventional farming - particularly alongside the introduction of the herbicide “glyphosate”.
With this, comes the need to adapt. When our bodies are no longer able to receive an abundance of nutrients from the food we eat, they’re no longer able to function at their optimal state. More specifically, our immune systems become compromised and we become more vulnerable to disease.
So, what can you do?
Support local and buy organic
Supplement accordingly
FLVC was specifically designed to combat the effects that conventional farming has had on the quality of our food. It’s filled with 70+ trace minerals from the soil (including zinc, iron, selenium, and iodine), macro minerals (like magnesium, potassium, and phosphorous), and soil-based prebiotics & probiotics to support your gut. Best of all, it has the unique ability to attract nutrients and transport them throughout your body. Meaning, it can also increase the absorption of nutrients you are receiving from food.
FLVC's fulvic and humic acid supplements is a root-cause approach to alleviating the wide-spread nutrient depletion we see today, giving us an easy, everyday solution to thrive amongst the ever-growing use of conventional farming practices.
Check out our tonic and our powder.
Looking to get more involved? Check out the non profit, Farmer’s Footprint, to learn how
you can support the movement towards regenerative agriculture.
1 https://rodaleinstitute.org/why-organic/organic-basics/organic-vs-conventional/
2 https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/soil-depletion-and-nutrition-loss/
3 https://zachbushmd.com/gmo-2/
4 https://www.thejoint.com/minnesota/roseville/roseville-32003/report-suggests-that-90- percent-of-americans-have
5 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/75907755.pdf
6 http://www.icppharm.com/News-Resources/Articles/Effects-of-Vitamin-C-on-Iron- Absorption.aspx
7 https://www.deannaminich.com/copper-to-zinc-achieving-the-right-balance/