“All disease begins in the gut.”
The human microbiome – all bacteria inhabiting in and on our bodies- has an incredible potential to affect our physiologic functions, both in health and in disease.
This microbial community are particularly crucial for the immunologic homeostasis of their host through a bidirectional interaction. On one hand, our immune system must appreciate and endure the integral microbiota, while responding properly to pathogens. On the other hand, the microbiota educates the immune system to function properly.
It is worth mentioning that 70% of the immune system’s defensive cells reside in gut/intestines. The gut microbial community has a huge impact on metabolic functions, as well as immune responses.
Several studies have shown that humic substances (Humic and Fulvic acids) stabilize the intestinal microbiota by increasing the number of beneficial bacteria and decreasing the numbers of pathogenic bacteria and improve nutrient digestibility.
In addition, it has been shown that humic substances affect the immune system through the regulation of immune activities.
Fulvic acid, derived from decomposing plant matter, contain soil based organisms. It is important to note that soil microbial composition is not something new to our human physiology, it has been part of our historical diet for thousands of years.
Although some probiotics show beneficial effects, the composition of strains in probiotic supplements must be properly designed based on individual needs in order to offer their therapeutic applications. Fulvic acid does not contain lactobacillus or bifidobacterium strains, rather are made up of naturally occurring organisms derived from the earth's soil.
Humic substances are purely organic and nature fostering and offer a promising potential in promoting/balancing gut microbiome, although more scientific studies are required to reveal the mechanism of their functions.
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